When You leave
Discharge Planning
Discharge is on or before 10.00am.
It is important that you alert staff as soon as possible that your doctor has authorised your discharge from hospital. This will allow our administration staff to finalise your account without you having to wait. You will then be asked to go to the main Reception Desk in the main entry prior to leaving the Hospital in order to finalise your account for any telephone or other incidental expenses.
Prior to leaving ensure you:
- Have your medications, repeat prescriptions, and x-ray films.
- Receive a Discharge Summary, which outlines your follow-up care.
- Have checked your room thoroughly for all personal belongings.
- Have settled your account with Reception
Preparing for Home
Planning for your discharge is an important part of your stay in hospital. Please discuss the following important issues with your doctor, nurse and family:
- Your transport arrangements to return home.
- Your capacity to care for your personal needs.
- Your capacity to care for others at home.
- Your capacity to care for your home environment.
- Your readiness to resume your usual work or social activities.
Please discuss any concerns you have with our nursing staff, so necessary arrangements can be made. The Discharge Planner is also available and can assist with future care.
Important Information
- You are not permitted to drive for at least 24 hours after a general anaesthetic or sedation.
- A responsible person must be available to transport you home in a suitable vehicle. The bus is usually not suitable.
- A responsible person must be available to you at least overnight following discharge from the Day Surgery Unit. This person must be physically and mentally able to make decisions for you if necessary.
- You must have ready access to a telephone in the post-operative dwelling.
- You must remain within 1 hour of appropriate medical attention until the morning after discharge.
- You should not operate machinery or make any important decisions for at least 24 hours after your anaesthetic.
Staff can assist you in organising equipment for use at home, ie walker, crutches, toilet chairs. This equipment can be obtained through:
- Lake Road Pharmacy
- Koala T Care
- Home Safety & Comfort
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